Monday 31 October 2011

A great end to October for Mebyon Kernow

November looks to be an exciting month for the party, political defections to us before October is finished, an interesting by election in Wendron and the party conference. Certainly for MK members and supporters this looks to be a memorable month and hopefully a successful one. Derek Collins's defection from the Liberal Democrats has rounded October off for us nicely and looks to set the tone for November.

It was to my surprise and pleasure to read over the weekend of the defection of a St Austell town councillor from the Liberal Democrats to Mebyon Kernow. Derek Collins explained his decison to 'cross the floor':

"I can no longer, in all conscience, remain a member of the Liberal Democrats."

He goes on to explain how he feels that the Cornish Lib Dems have betrayed election promises and quite understandably feels upset that campaigning against the Conservatives at the election has led to a Tory-led coalition. Obviously a man of principle he explains:

“The decision taken by MPs to back a Conservative Government and implement 
Tory policies was a bitter pill which I could not swallow. 
I, like many people, felt very let down. I did not campaign for a Tory Government and 
I am angry to see the Lib Dem MPs go back on their election pledges on everything from 
public spending to policing, the NHS, tuition fees and so much more."

“I have made numerous representations to the MP and senior Lib Dems in the local area. 
Promises were repeatedly made about fighting for the policies that were 
actually presented at the General Election – but nothing has changed."

On joining Mebyon Kernow he explains.

“I have therefore tendered my resignation from the Lib Dems 
and I have joined Mebyon Kernow, which I believe is standing up for Cornwall
 and rightly opposing the excesses of the Coalition Government.”

It is a compliment to Mebyon Kernow that Derek has joined us. MK is a party of principle, we do as we say and say as we do, this is why I am sure Derek will fit in nicely.

Quotes taken from Dick Cole's blog

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