"Funded by the European Union, BT and Cornwall Council, and managed by Cornwall Development Company, Superfast Cornwall will improve the lives of the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, giving a much needed boost to the economy. Learning, playing and working will be transformed, encouraging innovation amongst the regions businesses."
This PZ deadspot is due the fact the exchange in Penzance is in the middle of town so most of the shops and offices can't connect, despite the fact fibre cables run outside their properties. http://www.superfastcornwall.org/ offers this:
The questions I sent are as follows, I did email just over 40 local businesses and have had a half dozen replies already not all of the town centre shops, offices and organisations I have been able to contact so far. If that includes you please email me (if you don't mind) robscornishblog@gmail.com with your answers any other comments and the name of your organisation.
UPDATE: with many thanks to Simon Nebesnuick (follow him on twitter here) he has created a much simpler google form to do the questions below, click here
Does your company use the internet to generate business?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is the internet to your business?
Would a faster internet connection improve your business?
Do you have access to Superfast broadband i.e FTTP (fibre to the premises)?
(you can check here http://www.superfastcornwall.org/check-your-line )
Would you upgrade to superfast if it was available?
Without superfast in the town center would you consider relocating to somewhere with superfast access?
Did you think the large investment in superfast broadband roll out in Cornwall was:
good for business in general?
good for Penzance?
good for your business?
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