Monday, 14 January 2013

Meanwhile in the parallel universe of the Liberal Democrats part 1

The best scientists in the world are currently expending their best efforts to work out the Lib Dem enigma. All for nought unfortunately as bizzare press releases from an apparent parallel universe keep making it through to the real world. Quite why their rhetoric is so removed from reality remains a deep mystery.

Two recent examples reveal this disturbing delusion here in Cornwall. Heres the first:

According to Stephen Gilbert MP a vote for anyone but the Lib Dems is a vote for the Tories. By implication the latter party are undesirable, no one is quite sure how members of the public siding with the Conservatives is such a bad thing but when the Liberal Democrats do it its in everyones best interest.  If its everyones duty to keep the Tories out of power ss the main plank of their election campaigning suggests why aren't they bound by the same logic?

Continuing the theme, the MPs press release reveals the Lib Dem logic:

"If anyone thinks that Liberal Democrat MPs are not fighting for a fairer society and a stronger economy, they are utterly wrong. Without the Liberal Democrats in Government there would be no increase at all in benefits."
link here

I'm no expert in understanding the strange ways of the Liberal Democrat so I don't exactly know what they believe fair to be and whether such a concept is flexible. It may be conjectured that increase in benefits may well mean something different than commonly thought or that perhaps Lib Dems believe increase and reduce have opposite meanings than used in the English language. Here in the real world Cornwall Council will soon pass on cuts to council tax benefit to people here after the government reduced the funding.  People on disability benefits may have their money reduced or cruelly taken away by Atos assessment.

I'm sorry to be so childish but seriously what are they on? When will the Liberal Democrats come to recognise that we know what they are doing in government? When will the Liberal Democrats either admit the Tories aren't that bad or apologise for getting into bed with a party they consistently declare deplorable?

1 comment:

  1. Clive Price-Jones14 January 2013 at 17:28

    That is a pretty fair and accurate summary
